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How does it work?

How is SCIO working?

How is SCIO working?

How does it work?

The SCIO biofeedback device is a cutting-edge technology that utilises a headband, wrist, and ankle straps to send electromagnetic signals to the body. By analysing the body's electric reactivity patterns, the SCIO provides valuable information about energetic imbalances that may negatively impact health. The scanning and therapy process is completely non-invasive and painless, making it a safe and effective tool for healthcare professionals. With the SCIO, practitioners can offer their patients a holistic approach to healthcare that is effective.

SCIO scans the body's frequencies to detect viruses, deficiencies, allergies, and more. It provides information on the body's energetic state and direction.

SCIO measures various aspects of your body and compares them to a "norm". It also provides feedback and programs for different therapies to address your health issues.

How does SCIO help?

It outlines health issues, reveals reactions to substances and locates patterns for further investigation.

How does SCIO revitalise the body?

It measures the body's resonance pattern and adjusts input resonance to maintain beneficial settings.

SCIO has unique features that monitor the patient during therapy, providing individualised sessions. It adjusts amplification and frequencies based on constant feedback, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety.

How does SCIO locate you?

SCIO uses your personal information to connect with your unique quantum energy fields, similar to a cell phone number connecting a caller to you.

Accreditation: The SCIO Biofeedback Device is Licensed by the Department of Health in South Africa (license number 600/8650). Suzanne is a Certified Biofeedback Practitioner and Registered with the Natural Healers Association of South Africa (registration number SUP 0829 QBP).

© 2024 by SCIO

Disclaimer: The SCIO system is to be used as a Biofeedback Multimedia System.  It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction.  No claims are made of the SCIO system or its results and nothing that the SCIO Practitioner does, diagnoses or treats any illness or disease nor replaces any other treatment. Please consult your family medical doctor for the diagnosis or treatment of disease. Please also consult your family medical doctor before undertaking any health program.

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